Do you believe you can change your life in 100 days? I do! In past years, I have used the 100 Day Challenge to develop my mindset, attitude, and drive to succeed in my goals. One of my 100 Day Challenge goals was launching this website!
In this article, I review the 100 Day Challenge and explain how it helped me achieve huge success.
Would you like to start a new business, lose weight, be debt-free, change career, or achieve another big goal? If so, Gary Ryan Blair’s 100 Day Challenge will help you achieve your life-changing goals more quickly and easily.
My 100 Day Challenge review will help you decide if this program is worth investing in. It was life-changing for me, and I’m confident it can be for you too!
Watch the Video Below:
Click here to watch this video on YouTube
Listen to the Podcast
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What Is the 100 Day Challenge?
It’s a hard-core goal-setting and goal-achieving program. Over 600,000 people in 80 countries have completed Gary’s 100 Day Challenge program. The goals they managed to achieve are incredible!
Some of them launched a business in 100 days. Many people lost weight and regained their health in 100 days. Others paid off their mortgage or reached the goal of becoming debt-free.
Small business owners doubled or even tripled their sales and commissions. Aspiring writers wrote their first book in 100 days, instead of many months or even years.
Companies such as IBM, Xerox, Sony, Boeing, and BMW have taken their teams through this 100 Day Challenge program.
Gary Ryan Blair – the Creator of the 100 Day Challenge
Gary Ryan Blair has become known as the Goals Guy. He developed a reputation for helping people and companies achieve big goals. Gary has worked with the US Navy Seals and many major corporations.
He is a person of high integrity and is incredibly motivating and inspiring. His no-nonsense direct approach is very effective. He focuses on speed and getting things done quickly and effectively.
Why 100 Days?
In my experience, there are 2 reasons. Firstly, 100 days is a reasonable amount of time to achieve a life-changing goal. It’s not too long, and it’s not too short. It’s just enough.
Secondly, if you do something consistently for 100 days, it will become a habit. Let’s say you’ve set a 100-day challenge to get fit and lose weight. You’re following a particular diet and exercise regime. After 100 days, that will become a habit, and you will keep doing it very naturally.
We’re not on this planet for very long, and we don’t have time to waste. This challenge emphasizes speed, urgency, and getting things done fast. But also getting them done well and to the best quality. A big part of the 100 Day Challenge is learning to be pro-active and have a strong offense.

My 100 Day Challenge Review
Now I would like to talk about the 100 Day Challenge program itself. When you first join the program, you will go through an orientation process.
Set 3 Goals
A key part of the orientation process is to set yourself up to 3 goals. I highly recommend that you identify these goals before you enroll in the program.
Identify your Reasons
For each of these goals, identify the 3 most important reasons for achieving this goal. These will give you a strong “why”. Think carefully and answer these questions:
- Why do you want to achieve that goal?
- What’s the benefit?
- What’s it going to give you?
- How’s it going to change your life?
Having great reasons and a strong “why” will give you the motivation to continue your 100 Day Challenge when things get a bit tough.
Make an Action Plan
Once you’ve done that, the next step is to create a rough action plan. One hundred days is quite a long time. So set yourself some sub-goals – for every 10, 20, or 30 days. It’s important to have a roadmap with smaller goals that you want to reach. So as you’re going through the 100 Day Challenge, you can see whether you’re on track or not.
>> Click Here to Achieve Your Goals with the 100 Day Challenge <<
Start of Each Day
So you’ve set your goals and created your plans. That’s the initials steps done. Here are the main things that you will do each day whilst completing the 100 Day Challenge program.
Daily Video
Each day you will watch a different inspirational, motivational, and actionable video by Gary Ryan Blair. I recommend that you watch this video as soon as you get up and before you do anything else! Each video is between 6 and 11 minutes long. I encourage you to watch the video with complete concentration.
There is also an audio version available if you want to listen on the go. But I would highly recommend to both listen and watch. There’s something about watching and listening that just gets the information in at a much deeper level.
Start Fast & Finish Strong
Each lesson finishes with a prompt to start the day fast and finish it strong. This means starting your actions for the day early and getting things done quickly. It’s about finishing the day with a great sense of power and achievement.
A Reminder of Your 3 Goals
After watching the video, you’ll see your 3 goals listed below that video. This forces you to see these goals daily. We know how important it is to review your goals and read them every day. The 100-day challenge program ensures that you do that.
Daily Actions
You’ve watched the video and reviewed your goals. The next step is to enter the actions that you’re going to do today. These actions should help you get closer to achieving each of your 3 goals. Each action has a checkbox so that you can tick them off later.
Integrity Pledge
Once you’ve done that, I recommend that you read the integrity pledge. This is below your actions and is as follows.
I will honor every commitment.
I will keep every promise.
I will achieve every goal.
There is something powerful about saying this to yourself. It gives you the sense that you’re going to commit to doing it and making it happen.
Accountability Emails
Once you have entered your actions for the day, you can email them to yourself as a reminder. You can also email them to your accountability buddy if you have one. I highly recommend that you look into having an accountability buddy if you can. It can be very beneficial.
Later in the day or the following morning, depending on where you live in the world, you will get an email. This email will remind you of all the actions you set for that day. Open the email and check them off. It’s always very satisfying to do that. If you didn’t achieve every action you set, ask yourself why and learn from that. Your accountability buddy will get the email as well, so they can evaluate your progress too.

Weekly After Action Review
A crucial, fundamental, and powerful part of the 100 Day Challenge is the weekly After Action Review. It’s a chance to evaluate your progress over the week. It involves answering questions such as:
- What did you set out to do this week?
- What actually happened?
- What were your results?
- Why did it happen?
- What are you going to do next time to change things?
The 5 Step After Action Review Process
The 100 Day Challenge After Action Review consists of 5 steps:
Step 1 – rate your performance on a scale of 1 to 5. A score of 1 is not productive (or no action was taken), 2 is poor, 3 is average, 4 is good, and 5 is exceptional. It’s a bit like a school report except that you do it on yourself!
Step 2 – identify the outcomes achieved and the progress made.
Step 3 – identify the strengths – the actions, strategies, and lucky breaks that led you to success during that week.
Step 4 – identify the weaknesses – the actions, attitudes, and obstacles that compromise your progress.
Step 5 – identify the corrective actions that you need to do to get yourself back on track.
You can email the results to yourself and your accountability buddy if you have one. If you do, I encourage you to check in with that person, on the phone or even face to face.
I can’t stress enough the power of the After Action Review. The first couple of times I did the 100-day challenge, I was a bit lax about doing this. After 3 or 4 weeks, I realized I was quite off course and behind schedule.
If you do the 100 Day Challenge After Action Review every week, it will ensure that you are on the right track. If you neglect it, you may start doing things that waste your time and are not as effective. And this means that achieving your goals is going to take more time and be more frustrating. So it’s vital to make time in your schedule to complete the After Action Review each week.
>> Click Here to Achieve Your Goals with the 100 Day Challenge <<
Other Great Features
There are many other features of The 100-Day Challenge, but here are 3 that I think are especially useful:
The Forum
The 100 Day Challenge has a great forum. It includes a sub-forum for each daily lesson.
You can share your experiences and thoughts about the lesson for that day. You can create accountability through the forum (and even find an accountability buddy). You can share your success stories, as well as your struggles. Having a community of people to help you is super important.
Weekly Audio Call
As part of the 100 Day Challenge After Action Review, Gary includes a live weekly audio call. This provides great motivation, inspiration, and actionable content every week. I have found these calls to be especially helpful. They are recorded in case you can’t make them live.
Mobile App
This is extremely convenient for doing the 100-day challenge when you’re on the go. The mobile app allows you to put in new actions, mark them as complete and watch the videos on the go.
Top Tip
The 100 Day Challenge starts on the day that you enroll. For this reason, I recommend that you work out your goals or at least have a relatively good idea of what you want to achieve before you enroll.
The first time I enrolled in the 100 Day Challenge, I wasn’t particularly clear on what I wanted to achieve. So I spent the first few days working out what my goals were. Whilst I was doing that the challenge was ticking by. I think it was day 5 when I actually started the challenge.
To get around this, I watched 2 videos a day to catch up, which was okay. However, it did get me off to a more reactive start than I would have liked. So it is important to have some clear ideas of what you want to achieve before you decide to enroll in the 100 Day Challenge.
My Results
I have completed the 100 Day Challenge program 4 times. The first time, it helped me launch my hypnotherapy practice here in Sydney. In 100 days, I went from nothing to having everything set up and seeing my first paying clients.
The next year, I used this program to launch Self Help for Life. It helped me develop the mindset, attitude, and drive to record the first videos for my Self Help for Life YouTube channel.
Every year I use The 100 Day Challenge to achieve my goals and to take my life and my business to the next level.
To conclude this review, I highly recommend the 100 Day Challenge. Whether you are planning to start a new business, increase sales, lose weight, become debt-free, change career, or any other life-changing goal, Gary Ryan Blair’s 100 Day Challenge will help you achieve your goals much more quickly and easily.
>> Click Here to Achieve Your Goals with the 100 Day Challenge <<
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Hope you are having a wonderful day!