The Four Main Personality Types | Personality Types A B C D

Main personality types

In this article, you will learn all about the four main personality types. These are Type A, B, C and D. 

Knowing the four main personality types is very useful when dealing with other people.  If you can quickly understand how they tick, then you can build rapport more quickly and create a deeper connection.

I’ll cover the positive and negative traits of each of these four main personality types. I’m sure it will interest you to see which one you fit in to.  I’ll also reveal the one that most closely matches my personality. 

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Human behavior is often very predictable and can be categorized into one of four different personality types. These are Type A, B, C and D. Each person is unique but may exhibit stronger personality traits from one of these types. Knowing these 4 personality types will help you understand why people react and respond the way they do. This then helps you communicate with others more effectively and understand them better.

For each of the four main personality types, I will cover both the positive and negative aspects. As you read this article, you may relate to one of these personality types more than the others. It’s good to know which type it is, as this will help you understand why you act and react the way you do.

If you don’t like some negative aspects of the personality type that most closely resembles you, then you can change it. Your behavior is not set in stone. You can change how you act or react in certain situations.

So I will now cover the four main personality types in greater detail.

Type A – The Go-Getter

Type A people are high achievers. They are competitive, ambitious and very well organized. They are very aware of time and use time wisely and efficiently. Type A people are proactive and love to set goals. They like to push the boundaries and get outside their comfort zone. These people can be workaholics, and they push themselves with deadlines. They are also eager to help others.

These are great behaviors and traits to have. Many self-help books promote these traits as important to success. However, there are some negative aspects to the Type A personality.

Type A people are often more stressed and anxious. They have less job satisfaction and may change jobs often, believing that the grass is greener somewhere else. These people can often feel less satisfied in other areas of their life, such as health or relationships. Type A people can be very status conscious. They can be impatient because they value time highly.

Another trait is aggression. Type A people can display this in positive or negative ways. They may act aggressively and proactively to achieve things, to be the best and at the top of their game. However, this aggression can sometimes come from ignoring the needs of other people. Type A people can be hasty, impulsive and hyper-alert. They can get angry or frustrated easily.

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Type B – Relaxed and Social

The Type B personality is almost the complete opposite of Type A. They are more relaxed, consistent and steady. They enjoy the work required to achieve things and have a calming influence on other people. These people are often more peaceful and grounded. It can take a lot to make them angry or frustrated. They are less competitive, it’s more about enjoying the game or experience than winning or losing.

Type B people are more tolerant of other people. They often have many friends and a great social life. They excel in social situations, find it easy to relax with others and enjoy themselves. Type B people find it easy to have fun.

Type B people are often more perceptive and pick up on other people’s emotions. However, they are also emotionally stable within themselves. They are very patient and it is this combination of qualities that lead to Type B people becoming very good therapists, writers, actors or actresses.

However, Type B people may not achieve their full potential because they are less ambitious, more relaxed and laid-back. They can procrastinate and leave things to the last minute. They need the pressure of a tight deadline to spur them into action. Being less aware of time can cause them to be late for meetings and appointments. These people can also find it hard to decide on a course of action.

Would you like to be a super-relaxed Type B person? Then click the button below to download my Rapid Relaxation Exercise. This will help you relax completely in 6 minutes!

Type C – The Rule Abiding Perfectionist

The Type C personality is similar to Type A, but with some noticeable differences. A key one is perfectionism. Type C people spend more time on the details and check work several times for accuracy. They value the importance of doing an excellent job. Unlike Type A people, Type C people are less aware of time. For this reason, their strive for excellence and perfection can mean that a task takes much longer than it needs to.

Type C people are consistent and reliable, and they rarely bend or break the rules. The aggressive or impatience of a Type A person is more likely to result in them bending, breaking or even changing the rules. They will challenge the status quo. A Type C person will happily follow the rules, so they enjoy jobs and tasks that follow a set procedure or are about complying with rules, laws or procedures. Type C people are great to have in any safety critical roles.

Type C people like to go deep into studying and learning one subject. Rather than being good in lots of areas, they prefer to be an expert in one or two areas. They are more introverted and enjoy meaningful conversations with one or two people. They are less keen on the surface level banter that often comes when communicating socially within a larger group. Type C people also prefer to avoid conflicts with others, so as not to upset the status quo.

Having a routine and focussing on one thing at a time is important for Type C people. Any disruption to this can be stressful or frustrating. They also like a sense of stability and security and will make decisions based on logic rather than emotions. Type C people can be deep thinkers.

Type C people often get bogged down in detail and making things perfect. As a result, they might miss a deadline or spend too long on tasks. They can feel overwhelmed when there is too much going on and may need time alone to process things. They need time to make decisions, so they can get all the facts and details beforehand.

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Type D – Distressed and Sensitive to Others

Type D people can have a tendency towards negativity. The D actually stands for distressed. However, Type D people have many positive aspects too.

They are warm people, very peaceful on the outside and sensitive to other people’s emotions. Type D people have a very realistic view of life. They like security and are fairly resilient. They love to help and give advice. These people rarely give up and can be a source of wisdom to other people.

However, Type D people often feel isolated, lonely and negative. They experience more negative emotions than the other types, but won’t share those emotions with others, because they are afraid of rejection. Instead, they suppress their emotions, keeping them inside.

Type D people often worry, and might feel pessimistic and gloomy about life on occasions.

A wonderful way to change the negative aspects of the Type D personality is by using Creative Visualization. To learn how to visualize the right way, download my guided creative visualization recording by clicking the button below.


As I mentioned earlier, no one is completely Type A, B, C or D. It also depends on the situation or event. You might exhibit Type A behavior at work and Type B when out with friends. The key here is to acknowledge and enjoy the positive traits in your behavior and personality and then work on changing any aspects that seem negative to you or other people. Awareness is always the first step to change.

In case you’re wondering, I lean most closely to a Type C personality. I like to do things really well, follow a proven path, and enjoy meaningful conversations with 1 or 2 people rather than big groups. However, there is quite a lot of Type A personality in me too.

Let me know the personality type that most closely resembles you by leaving a comment below.

Thank you for reading this article.  If you enjoyed it and found it useful, then please share it with other people, or on social media.

Hope you are having a wonderful day!


6 replies
  1. Celeste Stoddard says:


    Thanks for the quick explanation. This was so helpful. I never like to take time to do these things but you made it so easy and it really did fit.

  2. Paul says:

    I don’t fall into any particular category. I see a little bit of myself in every category but then again I see things in each category that I rarely am. I also believe that I can be seen by others as any one of these personalities at any given time. And, since we never really know how we look through other people’s eyes, I find it extremely self-centered when someone feels the need to clarify with me what type of personality they are. “I’m an ‘A’ personality.” If you really are an “A” personality, you wouldn’t have to tell me that you are. I could figure that out by myself. Possibly, I don’t see you that way but that’s just the person you want to be. You’re right though. Some people change from situation to situation over time. I don’t like to label people and I think that it is not for us to label ourselves. Just be. This was an interesting piece. Thank you.

  3. Anonymous says:

    50/50 between type C and D, both of which describe me very well.

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